Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spirits of Lemuria

The Nefilim: Angelic Conquerors Spirits of Lemuria
Our neighbors throughout the centuries have not simply been the giants and ghosts and angelic beings I have talked about in other stories, or for that matter the Shinning Ones, aliens but also the Spirits of Lemuria, whom are a little different, yes indeed, a different breed.
We must first look at Atlantis. When the Watchers and the Nefilim inhabited the earth, they slept with the women of Atlantis, as well as with the women in and around what man has called the Garden of Eden where the tree of life remains to this very day in and around the mouth of the Persian Gulf, in the Middle East. This is where King Gilgamesh of Ur went looking for eternal life, found Noah and lost the gift in the waters thereabouts, another legend of sorts.
Atlantis was the Kingdom of the Atlantic or put another way, the Empire of the East, and Lemuria was the kingdom of the Pacific, and again, one could say the Empire of the West. We shall have to travel back into the time of Leo, about 10,500 BC to about 9600 BC to visit this land and city of sorts. The war of the worlds took place sometime within this time frame also. And the angelic forces that inhabited the world, which bred several forms of life, one being the giants of the Watchers, half-breeds you could say; who were half sprit and half man. Some did not need to eat, others had to; King Gilgamesh of Ur, around 2700 BC was such a half-breed, and with supernatural strength, like the demigod Hercules, whom was also a hybrid steaming from this premise. But I am getting ahead of myself.
As I was saying, they bred different results. The Demigods for instance were one third human, one-third spirit, and the rest beast. But there was another breed a little different. They looked almost normal, like humans. Some had big ears although, and others not. But they were all hybrids nonetheless. These were the Spirits of Lemuria, their ancestors being none other than the angelic force of the time of Leo. They would be part of the Empire of the Pacific, which stretched from Easter Island to Tahiti, Hawaii, Guam, and the Solomon Islands, and throughout the Pacific.
At one time this area was more of a continent, then a conglomeration of islands. These ancient spirits were born before the Great Flood of Noah, and would wander from island to island, looking for a home.
When Atlantis crumbled to the bottom of the sea, so did the Empire of Lemuria, only a little sooner I do believe. Matter-of-fact, so did the whole world. Yes, the world went upside down. That is why you can witness such odd things like Lake Titicaca 13,500 feet up in the mountains of Peru; where I have been too. As well as the agrological site of Tiwanacu 13,000 feet up in the Bolivian Mountains; the questions that have been asked are,
“How did the lake get up there,” and “How did man cut out a 130-ton platform, to from a temple site,” which I sat on. And how did it fall to the ground.
The other question is, “How did it fall when there has never been an earth quake there?” I suggest, an earth crust movement took place. Yet man is still wondering; and how about the buried city roads off the coast of Florida and off the coast of Japan. The world was washed anew.
These new spirits, were slightly human, but had a lot of spirit in them. They could change forms like their angelic ancestors. But while on earth they had to eat, yet could also travel through space.
Some had long ears others did not. Some were female others male. They could die, or be killed like humans. Some did leave the surface of the earth, to such planets as Mars and the Moon; and I sure to other locations throughout our solar system and beyond. For when Christianity came to the islands of the Pacific, many of them escaped to just such places.
If I may backtrack a little bit, the Titans [also known as the Watchers], who mingled with the Atlantis, and humans, also created hybrids with the Shinning Ones [aliens]. This is why the Shinning Ones felt obligated if not somewhat pushed to connect with the Nefilim who escaped into space leaving the Watchers and the demigod giants to fend for themselves when God sent his angelic force to bury the Watchers for their evil deeds they had committed among mankind.
In time even the Island Empires mostly vanished and all one can see now on the islands are the burial platforms. Again, when Christianity arrived the supernatural hermits left. These platforms now are used for gravestones and floors for houses, were once temples and burial vaults, monolithic in style, 4000 to 5000 BC where. These stone structures are witnesses throughout the islands of the pacific, that a civilization did exist, to include: Tahiti, Hawaii, Easter Island, Marques us, Solomon Islands, etc., some of this stonework looks pre-Inca. Much of these stones are considered cyclopean in nature.
Who where they
Who were these pre-Inca’s, or so called Spirits of Lemuria, others have called them many things, one name being Aku-aku, and I will not explore this too much, but others call them Tatame, and yet others connect them to the Bird Cult of the islands of the Pacific. But everything leads to the Nefilim and the Watchers if you go back far enough, and their children (I do believe), and grandchildren, the giants, and on down the supernatural road of affinity.
To my understanding there were about 500 of them left after the flood. Ninety of them went to Easter Island. Here they mingled with the inhabitants (I have talked to many of the folks on the islands concerning this issue). Many not even knowing some of their wives were of this nature, supernatural. Some played the prophet, and gave advice and told fortunes to the inhabitants. Some used their powers to take and others to kill. Many of these hybrids lived in caves. Some of the women even kidnapped men.
If you were to visit Easter Island you would notice if you dare to venture beyond the normal pathways of the tourist, notice the underground cavities between the harder volcanic strata, there rests softer deposits where at one time were, or was a subterranean river, or so it seems. It was for sleeping places of the Sprits. There you will see more then a half dozen such places, below the floors of these hug chamber walls and roofs with granite slabs. Here is where they hid, confined themselves; performed cannibalism like their forefathers the giants, the Nefilim and the Watchers, but mostly the giants of old. This is where the huge statues to their fathers the Nefilim and the Watches, were created to worship them as gods.
The Gods
The natives killed some of the Spirits accidentally. In one day 23-were killed by a madman who ate a poisonous Octopus, thus leaving 55-spirits on the island left. At night the Spirits often attacked the humans, paralyzing them while sleeping, trying to capture their soul, locking them up into their nightmares and dreams; thus killing them via heart attack or disease; making them uncomfortable.
The 21st Century
You knew we’d hit the 21st century eventually didn’t you? Of course you did. It is our time. Today some of the Spirits still live and haunt the crater of Rano Raraku, so I heard when I was on Easter Island. I have been there, and it surely could be so. If this is the case, I believe it smells like a hot spot for such activity, and if the Nefilim are still around, it could be their home. These Spirits are a link to the network of the Nefilim, and Lucifer, whom are putting into place the last battle to be. The time when the epitaph of mankind will be spelled out, and the stones come tumbling down. None of this is by accident, it is a long drawn out plan; a conspiracy. Matter of fact so complex, most of the players do not know what the other one is going to do from one minute to the next.
The Spirits of Lemuria are not simply on Easter Island, but I believe a few in Bali, and Java, and other places I have been, and Guam, and throughout the Pacific. The Bird Cult is still alive and left over from the days of Lemuria and Atlantis, on some of the Pacific islands. The statues are no more then the divinity of the angelic force that gave birth to the hybrids. The hats you see on the stones are a token from Tahiti, a mark of royalty, the leader, probability, Azaz’el, or one of his 16-angelic generals.
And so in closing, I simply want to remind you, it doesn’t matter if one believes in Atlantis or for that matter Lemuria. Or the Giants or even the four-worlds that were before this one: our time. The stones tell no lies, except if you are looking for lies. There was a race here and we humans did live among that race, or species. How did they get here is a question you may have to answer, if mine is not good enough. And if you think we are not living in the end times of this life cycle, than look again, what do you call it? This is not heaven on earth, but rather it is exactly what we sense, and that is the End of Days.
See Dennis' web site:
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